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Upcoming Book!

This enlightening book, readers will embark on a journey to harness project management skills, enhancing both their careers and personal lives. The first half delves into the shared experiences of myself and fellow project managers, shedding light on the challenges of microaggressions, racism, sexism, and toxic work cultures. It provides invaluable skills and tools to counter these obstacles and paves the way for success.


The latter section offers a comprehensive guide focused on mental, spiritual, and physical health, emphasizing the intricacies of managing both a demanding career and home life. Specifically tailored for Black and Brown women navigating challenges in their professional journey and home responsibilities, this book offers a beacon of confidence, actionable steps, and strategies to achieve a harmonious work-life balance.


By drawing from real-life examples, it presents a roadmap to elevate one's career, find equilibrium in work and life, and unlock the immense inner strength each individual holds.

First Published Work

The book provides readers with detailed information on topics ranging from navigating cultural differences to understanding the impact of globalization on project management. It also offers practical advice for overcoming language barriers, establishing global collaborations, and developing effective strategies for managing international development project teams. Whether you are running a small business or leading a large organization, this book will arm you with the tools needed to succeed in today’s increasingly interconnected world.


The book is based on my doctoral research study where the research findings elevate project management knowledge to new heights in scope management, stakeholder management, and planning. Scope management strategies are a crucial factor in the success of international business projects. Without properly managing scope, companies risk wasting time and money on unnecessary tasks that don’t directly contribute to project objectives. To ensure successful project completion, it is important for businesses to have effective scope management strategies in place.



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